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Ávila-Tamayo, D. F., Bayona, J. A. Spanish–speaking validation of the internal corporate social responsibility questionnaire. PLoS ONE, 17(4), 1–17.
Barradas, S., Lucumí, D., Nicolás Guzmán-Tordecilla, D., Young, J., & Pinzón, D. (2022). Built environment interventions and physical activity levels: A systematic review. Biomedica, 42, 79–88.
Blanco-Murcia, L., Gomati de la Vega, I., Perdomo-Ortíz, J., & Rodríguez-Pinilla, J. P. (2022). Towards Sustainable Food Consumption: Emerging Tensions Behind the Plate in a Colombian University Community. Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, 46(5), 758–788.
Castaneda, D. I., Raineri, A., & Ramírez, C. A. (2022). Cultural Dimensions in Colombia and Chile According to the Spanish Version of the Dorfman and Howell Questionnaire. Sustainability (2071-1050), 14(3), 1623.
Danna-Buitrago, J.P, Stellian, R. (2022). A new class of revealed comparative advantage indexes. Open Economies Review.
Durán, W.F., & Aguado, D. (2022). The Relationship between the Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO) Social Capital and Dynamic Capabilities: A Meta-Analysis of its Moderators. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 25, e9.
Lara Córdova, E., & Rodríguez, C. J. A. (2022). Information availability and ability choice in a market for physicians. Metroeconomica, 73(1), 245–267.
Pérez, M. V., & Rodríguez, F. M. (2022). Las capacidades de absorción en distintos contextos tecnológicos. Innovar, 32(84), 141–158.
Stellian, R., & Danna-Buitrago, J. P. (2022). Revealed Comparative Advantage and Contribution-to-the-Trade-Balance indexes. International Economics, 170, 129–155.
Villa Castaño, L. E., & Perdomo-Ortiz, J. (2022). COVID-19 y microempresas: un estudio exploratorio en Bogotá-Colombia. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 27(98), 781-800.
Alonso-Díaz, S., Velásquez, N., Duque, D., Polanía-Reyes, S., Balcucho, S., Enrique Arévalo-Jaimes, N., Pacheco, D., García, T., & Rincón, L. (2022). Measuring Perceptions of Postconflict Actors’ Economic Behavior: The Case of Colombia. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Diaz, A. M., & Salas, L. M. (2022). Pretrial Detention and Conviction. European Journal of Law and Economics, 53(1), 1–25.
Herrera-Idárraga, P., Garlati-Bertoldi, P. A., & Torres, J. D. (2022). Urban wage gaps in Colombia and the impact of a national payroll tax policy. Regional Studies, 1–15.
Morejón Cabrera, G., Mariel, P., & Abadía, L. K. (2022). Postgraduate study preferences of business administration and economics students from Colombia, Ecuador, and Spain. International Journal of Educational Research, 112.
Abrego-Perez A. L., & Penagos-Londoño, G. I. (2022). Mixture modeling segmentation and singular spectrum analysis to model and forecast an asymmetric condor-like option index insurance for Colombian coffee crops. Climate Risk Management, 35.
Salas, L. M. (2022). Savings and self-control: the effect of labelling. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 1–19.
Suay-Pérez, F., Penagos-Londoño, G. I., Porcu, L., & Ruiz-Moreno, F. (2022). Customer perceived integrated marketing communications: A segmentation of the soda market. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1–17.
Prieto-Sandoval, V., Torres-Guevara, L. E., & García-Díaz, C. (2022). Green marketing innovation: Opportunities from an environmental education analysis in young consumers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 363.
Roger-Loppacher, O., Buil, P., Tintoré, M., & Prieto-Sandoval, V. (2022). Promoting Householders’ Participation in Household Waste Sorting: A Case for Learning Aluminum Packaging Recycling in Spain. Journal of Teacher Education for Suntainability, 24(2), 48-66-66.
Castaño, L. E. V., Durán, W. F., & Percca, P. A. A. (2022). Perception of the quality of remote lessons in the time of COVID-19: A comparative study in Latin America quality of remote lessons in the context of COVID-19. PLoS ONE, 17(6 June).
Villa-Castaño, L. E., & Durán León, W. F. (2022). Satisfaction of business students with the quality of classes during the pandemic: A mixed study in the Latin American context. Research in Comparative and International Education, 17(4), 548-565–565.
Duran, W. F., & Aguado, D. (2022). CEOs’ Managerial Cognition and Dynamic Capabilities: A Meta-analytical Study from the Microfoundations Approach. Journal of Management and Organization, 28(3), 451–479.
Losada-Otálora, M., & Andonova, V. (2022). Escaping from institutional weakness by EM-MNEs: the role of firms’ resources vulnerability. European Business Review, 34(4), 492–520.
Peña-García N, Losada-Otálora M and Juliao-Rossi J. (2022). What type of client do you need? The brand value co-creation in the banking sector. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:988985.
Areiza-Padilla, J. A., & Galindo-Becerra, T. (2022). Quality as a drive-up digital teaching: Analysis of virtual classes in Colombian business schools. Heliyon, 8(6).
Areiza-Padilla, J. A., & Galindo-Becerra, T. (2022). The importance of e-service quality in the livestreaming music concert business. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1).
Areiza-Padilla, J. A., Veas-González, I., & Galindo-Becerra, T. (2022). Spiritual Experience and Parishioners Satisfaction in the Online Eucharist: A Latin American Case Study. Religions, 13(11), 1–17.
Pérez, M. V., & Rodríguez, F. M. (2022). Las capacidades de absorción en distintos contextos tecnológicos. Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, 32(84), 141–158.
Basto, S., Rojas, I. & Cortés, A.E. (2022). Evaluación de la variabilidad de la práctica médica en la enfermedad isquémica coronaria. Rev. Salud Pública. 23(5): 1-7.
Cortés, A., Realpe, O., Fuerte, M. I., Tello, P. A., & Becerra, C. (2022). Contraceptives, chronic illness, pregnancy and health care costs in one health insurance in Colombia. Revista de Salud Publica, 24(2).
Prieto-Sandoval, V., Torres-Guevara, L. E., & García-Díaz, C. (2022). Green marketing innovation: Opportunities from an environmental education analysis in young consumers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 363.
Garcia-Diaz, C. (2021). Design, Systems Approaches, and the Engineering-Economics Nexus. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics/Economia e Politica Industriale, 48(4), 601–607.
Moros-Ochoa, M. A., Quintero-Español, A., Castro-Nieto, G. Y., & Llorente-Portillo, C. (2022). Forecasting Biocapacity and Ecological Footprint at a Worldwide Level to 2030 Using Neural Networks. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(17).
Cayon, E., & Sarmiento, J. (2022). The Impact of Coskewness and Cokurtosis as Augmentation Factors in Modeling Colombian Electricity Price Returns. Energies (19961073), 15(19), 6930.
Penagos-Londoño, G. I., Ruiz-Moreno, F., Sellers-Rubio, R., Casado-Díaz, A. B., & Barrio-García, S. D. (2022). Consistency of expert product reviews: an application to wine guides. Wine Economics and Policy, 11(2), 51-60–60.
Alonso-Díaz, S., & Penagos-Londoño, G. I. (2022). Reduced choice-confidence in negative numerals. PLoS ONE, 17(10), 1–28.
Hernández, G. (2022). Current equilibrium exchange rate in Colombia (2000-2020). Brazilian Journal of Political Economy / Revista de Economia Política, 42(4), 902–913.
Langley, A. K., Cardona, P. B. G., & Díaz, S. A. (2022). The Bilingual dilemma: Inhibiting Interference and its Effect on the Bilingual Advantage. Revista Signos, 55(109), 560-580–580.
Salas Bahamón, L. M. (2022). Inclusión Financiera en Colombia. Evaluación De Impacto Del Programa Grupos De Ahorro Y Crédito Comunitario. Cuadernos de Economia (0121-4772), 41(87), 747–782.
Ferrari, C. (2022). Paradigmas y políticas económicas en el Este de Asia y Latinoamérica. Revista de Economía Institucional, 24(46), 319–355.
Arias-Bello, M. L., & Gómez-Villegas, M. (2022). Los procesos de corporatización y privatización parcial de las empresas de propiedad del Estado : una revisión de la literatura. Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, 32(85), 171–186.
Arias-Bello, M. L., Gomez-Villegas, M., & Acuna, O. A. E. (2022). Effects of Corporatization on the Financial Performance of Non-Financial State-Owned Enterprises in Latin America between 1999 and 2018. Brazilian Journal of Public Policy, 12(3), 666–688.
Stellian, R., & Danna-Buitrago, J. P. (2022). ¿Qué indicador de ventajas comparativas reveladas escoger? Consideraciones teóricas y empíricas. Revista de La CEPAL, 138, 49–71.
Arancibia, H., Cárdenas, M., Durán, W., & Eguren, P. (2021). Indicadores de salud y bienestar social en población inmigrante y chilena: un estudio comparativo. Acta Colombiana de Psicologia, 24(1), 72–85.
Areiza-Padilla, J. A., Galindo-Becerra, T., & Del Río, M. C. (2021). Social Networks and E-Loyalty: A New Means of Sports Training during COVID-19 Quarantines. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(7), 2808–2823.
Areiza-Padilla, J. A., & Manzi Puertas, M. A. (2021). Conspicuous Consumption in Emerging Markets: The Case of Starbucks in Colombia as a Global and Sustainable Brand. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1–16.
Areiza-Padilla, J. A., Moise, M. S., & Manzi Puertas, M. A. (2021). Breaking the barriers of animosity: innovation in business models as a positioning strategy. Heliyon, 7(7).
Areiza-Padilla, J. A. (2021). Decreasing consumer animosity: The relationship between fast food businesses and social conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean. Cogent Business & Management, 8(1), 1–21.
Castaneda, D. I., & Ramírez, C. A. (2021). Cultural Values and Knowledge Sharing in the Context of Sustainable Organizations. Sustainability (2071-1050), 13(14), 7819.
Castaneda, D. I., Cuellar, S., & Bratianu, C. (2021). Knowledge Sharing in Business Education. Sustainability (2071-1050), 13(7), 3657.
Castaneda, D.I. and Toulson, P. (2021). Is it possible to share tacit knowledge using information and communication technology tools?. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Cayón, E., & Sarmiento, J. (2021). Impact of commodities and global stock prices on the idiosyncratic risk of Bitcoin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 18(4), 2021.
Correa, J. A., Gómez, M., Luengo, A., & Parro, F. (2021). Environmental misallocation in the copper industry. Resources Policy, 71.
Cortés Martínez, A. E., & Becerra Huertas, C. E. (2021). Caracterización de la tendencia del COVID-19 en Colombia con regresiones polinomiales. Revista Gerencia y Políticas de Salud, 20, 1–13.
Cortés Martínez, A. E., García-Ubaque, Juan C., & Becerra, Carmen E.. (2020). Comportamiento por sexo y género de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Colombia. Revista de Salud Pública, 22(6), e209. Epub January 03, 2022
Dueñas-Ocampo, S., Perdomo-Ortiz, J., & Villa Castaño, L. E. (2021). La separación entre sostenibilidad organizacional y desarrollo sostenible: una reflexión sobre herramientas emergentes para disminuir la brecha. Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, 31(80), 113–128.
Estevez-Mujica, C. P., & Garcia-Diaz, C. (2021). Computational Modeling Approaches to Organizational Change. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 25(4), 467–505.
Londoño-Bedoya, D.A., Garzón-Quintero, C.M., & Collazos-Ortiz, M. A. (2021). El Efecto Del Microcrédito en El Pib De Colombia, 2005-2018. Problemas Del Desarrollo. Revista Latinoamericana de Economía, 52(204), 3–34.
Losada-Otálora, M., & Alkire, née N. L. (2021). A transformative approach to corporate social responsibility: an antidote to corporate hypocrisy. Service Industries Journal, 41(3/4), 200–222.
Losada-Otálora, M., Peña-García, N., & Sánchez, I.D. (2020). Interpersonal conflict at work and knowledge hiding in service organizations: the mediator role of employee well-being. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 13(1), 63–90.
Peña-García, N., Losada-Otálora, M., Juliao-Rossi, J., & Rodríguez-Orejuela, A. (2021). Co-Creation of Value and Customer Experience: An Application in Online Banking. Sustainability (2071-1050), 13(18), 10486.
Perdomo-Ortiz, J., Valencia, C., Durán, W. F., & Heredia, O. (2021). Effect of High-Performance Work Practices on Academic Research Productivity. Latin American Business Review, 22(2), 189–214.
Prieto-Sandoval, V., Torres-Guevara, L.E., Ormazabal, M., Jaca,C. (2021). Beyond the Circular Economy Theory: Implementation Methodology for Industrial SMEs. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management JIEM, 14(3): 425-438.
Ramos-Mejía, M., Dueñas-Ocampo, S. and Gomati de la Vega, I. (2021). Understanding organisations for a post-growth era: contributions from an epistemic analysis. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Rodríguez-Camacho, J.A., Laguna-Tapia, A., Bürger, J. & Landívar-Freire, V. (2021). Caracterización de las producciones cinematográficas latinoamericanas en Netflix: perspectivas desde Bolivia. Comunicación y sociedad, 1-41
Rodríguez, J., & Minerva Campion. (2021). Efectos del coronavirus en el circuito punk de chapinero a partir de la cartografía de la territorialidad nómada: producción, consumo y participación. Análisis Político, 100, 27-54
Sarmiento, J., Sadeghi, M., Sandoval, J. S., & Cayon, E. (2021). The Application of Proxy Methods for Estimating the Cost of Equity for Unlisted Companies: Evidence from Listed Firms. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 57(3), 1009–1031.
Sierra-González, J.H., Londoño-Bedoya, D.A., & García-Ospina, J.M. (2021). Innovation financing in Colombia: An explicative proposal. Cuadernos de Administración (01203592), 34, 1–21.
Siqueira, J. R., Peña-García, N., ter Horst, E., Molina, G., & Villamil, M. (2021). The Role of Brand Commitment in the Retail Sector: The Relation with Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation, 7(2), 154.
Torres-Guevara, L. E., Prieto-Sandoval, V., Mejia-Villa, A., & Foltynowicz, Z. (2021). Success Drivers for Implementing Circular Economy: A Case Study from the Building Sector in Colombia. Sustainability (2071-1050), 13(3), 1350.
Vargas-Calderón, V., Moros Ochoa, A., Castro Nieto, G. Y., & Camargo, J. E. (2021). Machine learning for assessing quality of service in the hospitality sector based on customer reviews. Information Technology & Tourism, 23(3), 351–379.
Villa Castaño, L. E., Perdomo-Ortiz, J., & Pedraza, C. E. (2021). Responsabilidad social empresarial en empresas de la industria colombiana: una aproximación comprensiva. (Spanish). Revista Venezolana de Gerencia (RVG), 25(95), 918–942.
Wrålsen, B., Prieto-Sandoval, V., Mejia-Villa, A., O’Born, R., Hellström, M., & Faessler, B. (2021). Circular business models for lithium-ion batteries - Stakeholders, barriers, and drivers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 317.
Cano, J.A., Gómez-Montoya, R.A., Salazar, F., Cortés, P. (2021). Disruptive and Conventional Technologies for the Support of Logistics Processes: A Literature Review. International Journal of Technology, 12(3), 448-460.
Gómez-Montoya, R.A., Cano, J.A., Campo, E.A., Salazar, F. (2021). Improving cross-docking operations for consumer goods sector using metaheuristics. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 10(1), 524-532.
Hellmann, A., Endrawes, M., & Mbuki, J. (2021). The role of ethnicity in whistleblowing: The case of Kenyan auditors. International Journal of Auditing, 25(3), 733–750.
Abadía Alvarado LK, Gómez Soler SC, Cifuentes González J. The effect of teacher strikes on academic achievement: Evidence from Colombia. International Journal of Educational Development, 82.
Alonso-Díaz, S., & Penagos-Londoño, G. I. (2021). The numerator bias exists in millions of real-world comparisons. Acta Psychologica, 213.
Galindo-Silva, H. (2021). Conflict Externalization and the Quest for Peace: Theory and Case Evidence from Colombia. Peace Economics, Peace Science, & Public Policy, 27(1), 29–50.
Galindo-Silva, H. (2021). Political openness and armed conflict: Evidence from local councils in Colombia. European Journal of Political Economy, 67.
Galindo-Silva, H., & Tchuente, G. (2021). Fighting for not-So-Religious souls: The role of religious competition in secular conflicts. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 191, 127–152.
Gómez Soler, S. C., Cifuentes González, J., & Abadía Alvarado, L. K. (2021). Should students repeat a school year? The case of grade 9 students in Colombia. International Journal of Educational Research, 110.
Montenegro, A. (2021). Income, Equality, and Economic Development. Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell), 102(1), 508-522.
Penagos-Londoño, G. I., Rodriguez, S. C., Ruiz-Moreno, F., & Torres, E. (2021). A machine learning approach to segmentation of tourists based on perceived destination sustainability and trustworthiness. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19.
Thurston, A., Bernal Nisperuza, G. L., Abadía Alvarado, L. K., Cockerill, M., MacKenzie, A., O, K. J., Garcia Ospina, J. M., & Garcia, P. O. (2021). A Phase 2 exploratory trial of Paired Reading in Spanish language in Colombia. International Journal of Educational Research, 106.
Stellian, R., Penagos, G. I., & Danna-Buitrago, J. P. (2021). Firms in Financial Distress: Evidence from Inter-firm Payment Networks with Volatility Driven by “Animal Spirits.” Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 16(1), 59–101.
Alfonso Quiñonez, P. A., Cortés Martínez, A. E., & Becerra Huertas, C. E. (2020). Prevención del maltrato infantil. Situación de la política pública en Bogotá D.C. Revista Gerencia y Políticas de Salud, 19, 1–12.
Andonova, V., & Losada-Otálora, M. (2020). Understanding the interplay between brand and innovation orientation: Evidence from emerging multinationals. Journal of Business Research, 119, 540-552.
Areiza-Padilla, J.A., Cervera-Taulet, A., & Manzi Puertas, M. A. (2020). Ethnocentrism at the Coffee Shop Industry: A Study of Starbucks in Developing Countries. Journal of Open Innovation, 68(4), 1-20.
Ayala, Y., Bayona, J., Karaeminogullari, A., Perdomo. J, y Ramos-Mejía, M. (2020). We Are Very Similar but Not Really: The Moderating Role of Cultural Identification for Refugee Resettlement of Venezuelans in Colombia. Frontiers in Psichology, 11, 569394.
Bayona, J. A., Caballer, A., & Peiró, J. M. (2020). The relationship between knowledge characteristics’ fit and job satisfaction and job performance: The mediating role of work engagement. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(6).
Campion, M., & Rodríguez, J. (2020). Efectos Del Coronavirus En El Circuito Punk De Chapinero A Partir De La Cartografía De La Territorialidad Nómada: Producción, Consumo Y Participación. Análisis Político, 100,27-54.
Castaneda, D. I., & Cuellar, S. (2020). Knowledge sharing and innovation: A systematic review. Knowledge & Process Management, 27(3), 159-173.
Castillo, M., Sánchez, I.D., Dueñas, S. (2020). Leaders do not Emerge from a Vacuum: Towards an Understanding of the Development of Responsible Leadership. Business and Society Review, 125(3), 329-348.
Cayón, E., & Sarmiento, J. (2020). Testing for contagion from oil and developed markets to emerging markets: An empirical analysis using systemic risk parameter. Economics & Sociology, 13(2), 98-108.
Córdoba, C., & García-Díaz, C. (2020). Reflexivity in a Diffusion of Innovations Model. Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation, 23(3), 1-19.
Cortés-Martínez, A. E., Basto-Fajardo, S. C., Pardo-Villamil, S., Rojas-Cabrera, I. K., & Becerra-Huertas, C. E. (2020). Estabilización de la prostaglandina E1 (PGE1) para el tratamiento coadyuvante de la claudicación intermitente. Revista Cubana de Farmacia, 53(3), 1-20.
Dakduk, S., Santalla-Banderali, Z., & Siqueira, J. R. (2020). Acceptance of mobile commerce in low-income consumers: evidence from an emerging economy. Heliyon, 6(11).
Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. N., Karaeminogullari, A., & Ellis, A. M. (2020). Perceived Overqualification at Work: Implications for Extra-Role Behaviors and Advice Network Centrality. Journal of Management, 46(4), 583-606.
García-Díaz, C., Péli, G., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2020). The coevolution of the firm and the product attribute space. PLoS ONE, 15(6), 1–25.
González-Soriano, F. J., Feldman, P. S. M., & Rodríguez-Camacho, J. A. (2020). Effect of social identity on the generation of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on Facebook. Cogent Business and Management, 7(1).
Juliao-Rossi, J., Forero-Pineda, C., Losada-Otalora, M., & Peña-García, N. (2020). Trajectories of innovation: A new approach to studying innovation performance. Journal of Business Research, 115, 322-333.
Losada-Otálora, M., & Siqueira, J.R. (2020). Transformative place management (TPM) in commercial settings and business performance. Journal of Services Marketing, 34(7), 889-907.
Losada-Otalora, M., Valencia-Garcés, C.A., Juliao-Rossi, J., Donado, P.M., & Ramírez, E. (2020). Enhancing customer knowledge: the role of banks in financial well-being. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 30(4/5), 459–582.
Malaver-Rodríguez, F., & Rodríguez, M. (2020). Bogotá-Región en El Escenario Ocde. Prismas E Indicadores De Innovación. Cuadernos de Economia (0121-4772), 39(79), 103-138.
Manzi, M.A., Blanco-Murcia, L., & Ramos-Mejia, M. (2020). Famoc Depanel: innovating product-service systems through functional spaces. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 10(4), 1–24.
Peiró, J. M., Bayona, J. A., Caballer, A., & Di Fabio, A. (2020). Importance of work characteristics affects job performance: The mediating role of individual dispositions on the work design-performance relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 157.
Peña-García, N., Gil-Saura, I., Rodríguez-Orejuela, A., & Siqueira-Junior, J. R. (2020). Purchase intention and purchase behavior online: A cross-cultural approach. Heliyon, 6(6).
Pindado, J., Requejo, I., & Rivera, J. C. (2020). Does Money Supply Shape Corporate Capital Structure? International Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis. European Journal of Finance, 26(6), 554-584.
Rendón, J. A. (2020). Foreign exchange risk in stock returns. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 25(3), 430–443.
Sánchez, I.D., Andrade, J.M. and Losada-Otálora, M. (2020). Beyond organisational boundaries: the complex relationship between transformational leadership, organisational justice, and work-family conflict. Int. J. Human Resources Development and Management, 20(3/4), 322-347.
Shultz, C., Krasnikov, A. V., Barrios, A., Becker, I., Bennett, A. M., Emile, R., Hokkinen, M., Pennington, J. R., Santos, M., & Sierra, J. (2020). The Global Refugee Crisis: Pathway for a More Humanitarian Solution. Journal of Macromarketing, 40(1), 128-143.
Siqueira, J. R., ter Horst, E., Molina, G., Losada, M., & Mateus, M. A. (2020). A Bayesian examination of the relationship of internal and external touchpoints in the customer experience process across various service environments. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53.
Stellian, R., & Danna, B. J. P. (2020). Financial distress, free cash flow, and interfirm payment network: Evidence from an agent‐based model. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 25(4), 598-616.
Stellian, R., & Paola Danna-Buitrago, J. (2020). El Enfoque Monetario a La Schumpeter: Una Aplicación a La Modelación Multi-Agentes. Revista de Economía Institucional, 22(42), 153-186.
Stellian, R., Jiménez, W.G., y Páez, P.N. (2019). Sector colombiano de cuero, calzado y marroquinería: un análisis de la dinámica comercial y las ventajas comparativas respecto a Venezuela (1995-2017). Revista Republicana, 27,143-165.
Stellian, R., Paola Danna-Buitrago, J., & Londoño-Bedoya, D. A. (2020). Expectativas semiadaptativas en los modelos macroeconómicos multiagentes. Una aplicación al análisis de la fragilidad financiera empresarial. Revista de Economía Del Rosario, 23(1), 65-108.
Alcocer, C. D., Jeitschko, T. D., & Shupp, R. (2020). Naive and sophisticated mixing: Experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 170, 157-173.
Arias-Bello, M. L. (2020). New development: Importance of accounts receivable in Colombian state entities and their impact on the preparation of financial information. Public Money & Management, 40(7), 531-534.
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